Looking to add more chrome to your Cadillac SRX? How about these OEM chrome rims shown above? These are aftermarket products, so they are not original equipment. The manufacturer offers a lifetime structural, one year face finish warranty. The center cap, Lugs/Bolts/Locks/TPMS are NOT Included.
These chrome rims are high polished aluminum and they are manufactured with the highest quality aluminum. The quality of the aluminum, machining and polishing process determines the shine of the wheel. They have a absolutely brilliant sheen giving the wheel an almost chrome appearance. Does NOT fit vehicles equipped with upgraded or performance brakes such as Brembo. Fitment guaranteed for stock, 6 lug vehicles only and is Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Compatible.
Fits: Cadillac SRX 2010-2015
Model: CA17-20080-6120-53P
Manufacturer Part Number: 9506543
I bought a 2013 SRX, My first GM product in a very long time! The CUE touch screen has stopped working! Ok, so I researched the problem hoping to repair it! Just to find that CUE has had “many problems” and the repair costs are outrageous!
It does appear that a recall of CUE would be a proper action to take given its a GM top line! The idea that I’d have to pay dealership X dollars to diagnose Cue, just to be told that $1200. +/_ to repair it is absurd!
Can’t Cadillac R&D electronics any better than this? Really?
Thank you, not sure for what, actually?
Fix CUE!
XM is getting canceled too, why have it if I can’t use it as intended!